Interested in becoming a member of the forum?
Right now, Mug Club members will have accounts created for them after payment is confirmed, which will give you FULL ACCESS to all of the forums, including the Club-Only Locker Room. The Locker Room will have behind-the-scenes goodies, first looks at new content/previews of unreleased content, and more as we can think of it.
In the near future, we'll have invite-based registrations for the regular forum (to protect from spam). Our goal for the forum is to have an open discussion area about our content, stars, and related materials, WITHOUT the harsh intrusions on privacy and random bans that happen on sites like Facebook. We will NOT ask you for your real name, IDs, or photos of you. Although if you want to post pics of yourself in HTM swag, you are welcome to!
You will also be able to share your artwork, projects, your "who wins" polls, post your fantasy fights, and your favorite photos without the risk of a ban just because it was PG-13+. Just keep it legal!
HTM Coach
Darrius Jones
1 Guest(s)